"Strengthening freedom of media and freedom of expression" Editorial trainings were held

The media outlets were selected for training that are including “The Zuunii medee” daily newspaper, news.mn and gogo.mn. A total of 45 journalists attended in the training for news outlets and raised awareness issue of the criminal law amendment and international standard. The training objective is to protect freedom of speech in Mongolia through coordinated media and civil society training and advocacy that will raise public awareness and push back against restrictive and punitive defamation amendments and promote positive policy alternatives that will counter threats of oppression to the opposition and critical voices. 

The training trainers were appointed by GIC advisors and lawyers. 

The training topics are listed below: 

Kh.Naranjargal, Board chair of GIC :

- International standards of freedom of expression and crime of defamation


- Draft article 13.15 to be added to the Criminal Code (Insult) and features of national legal regulation

- Journalists safety and how to protect themselves and their confidential sources 


- "Understanding and typology of defamation acts and the consequences of criminalization by the Criminal Law"

- Editors to protect their journalists


- The law on Public Information Transparency

The concept of the training was important and some of journalists said that they had not known about the law amendment. Training participants said that they realized that the importance of the knowing international standards of free expression and non-criminalizing it, after the training.