Board members

Board Chairman


She is a former TV journalist with 16 years of experiences and one of the founders of GIC. She worked as Program Director of the Mongolian TV until she moved to the DANIDA "Free and Independent Press" project in 1995.

She used to work as Vice President of an alternative journalists’ organization Free and Independent Journalists Association and has been active in promotion of freedoms of expression, information and media in Mongolia since democratic transition in Mongolia.

She has also worked as a lecturer and teacher of television journalism theory and practice at at the Mongolian National University, the University of Humanities and the Diploma Course of Press Institute of Mongolia.

She is former Executive member of the IFJ and Vice Chair of the UNESCO IPDC Bureau.

She is an award winning playwright and member of the State Drama Theatre as wel as International Women Playwrights’ Center.

Board Members:

AYUSH  Dashdavaa

Ayush Dashdavaa has a MA in Education from the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. Ms. Ayush has intensive experience in project management and more than two decades of strong teaching experience. She was a visiting lecturer to the USA on gender issues of Mongolia (University of Stanford, University of Louisville, University of Kentucky and City College of San Francisco) in 2003.

She is an author of the first Country’s Business Integrity Agenda-2018 (Transparency International), a team leader and methodology developer of the first External Evaluation of National Health Program (World Bank), a Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant of impacts of ICT in rural education (ADB) and the first shadow report author on implementation of Child rights for UN Child Rights Committee (Save the Children).

Ms Ayush has been with the Globe International Centre for more than 15 years as a board member and was involved in several research works on implementation of the RTI projects.

GALAARID Badam-Ochir

B.Galaarid is a famous Mongolian journalist, writer and translator. He has a wide experience in the media worked as a reporter senior editor, sub-editor and Chief-in-Editor of the local and national daily newspapers. He has been teaching the journalism in the   In-house Training School of Ardyn Erkh, daily, Journalism Diploma course, Press Institute of Mongolia and Journalism Department of Cinematography Institute.

B.Galaarid has written the scripts such as Origin, full-length movie, (produced in 2003), Seat and Suffers of the Yellow Sea, full-length stage scripts (produced in 2006) and more than 103 scripts of Documentaries such as Eight and half (1991), 10 years of changes in Mongolia, 2000 and so on. He is an author of more than ten popular books such as A Man of the Countryside, Notes of the hidden world etc.

He worked as Board Member of DANIDA-established Free Press Foundation, Member of the Advisory Board of  Mongolian National Broadcaster, Board Member of the Mongolian-Swedish Development Fund and Confederation of Mongolia Journalists.

He has been a Board Chairman since 2008. He has been active in distribution of the ideas and concepts of freedoms of expression, information and media since early 1990.

Ts. Battsetseg

She is a Financial Manager of AGI Trade, LLC. She is a highly experienced in financial management of small sized teams with 6+ years of experience in project financial management and financial management of private companies.

L. Galbaatar

He is a Researcher specializing in media, digital security and cyber law and author of the books such as Internet Law and Cyber law.