Strategy Concept
Information is a basis of knowledge. Informed and knowledgeable citizens are powerful and the are able to participate in government affairs and social development and progress. Enjoying the public’s rights to free expression and access to information is one of the fundaments for consolidation and development of the democratic, civil and healthy society that respects human rights and truely serives the public.
Strategic Goal
Goal of Globe International Center is to help the public to access information using all possible means of information and knowledge distribution such as traditional media, publications and new information and communication technology
Strategic programs
Program 1: Media development program
Goal is to assist in building of powerful media that will have greater freedom to play a leading role in the development of democracy and society.
In Mongolia independent Media is a reality over the last transitional years but media is not able to be a 4th estate and cannot play a role of public watch -dog. If journalists are not permitted to provide the public with information of their interests, democracy cannot be a real. Journalists are not isolated in the society. They are in cooperation defending their own rights. They are there to defend rights of citizens. Media freedom is a not only journalists right, the first it is a right for all citizens. That is why journalists have to work with other organizations in the civil society in order to promote a better democracy. The informed citizenship that is aware of the need for media freedom is the best protection for media freedom.
- Free expression monitoring and legal aid to journalists
- Media Legal Framework
- Lawyers’ training
- Legal analysis
- Advocacy and lobbying
- Media and Elections
- Media and Gender
- Community Media
- Specialised Reporting
- Investigative reporting
- Freelance journalists
- Election
- Human rights
- Conflict of interests
- Small artisanal mining
- Gender
- Environmental reporting
- Mining reporting
- Pre-school education
Program 2: Good and Transparent Governance for the People
Goal is to improve governance and accountability, so that public institutions able to provide truly good public service.
- Government Transparency
- Training for public officials
- Information dissemination channels
- Community development
- Community based organization-PTA
- Citizens’ Monitoring
- Community dialogues
Program 3: Empowerment of the Public through Communication and Arts
Goal is to raise awareness of the public on public and social issues using IEC and arts as educational tool.
- Arts for Social Change
- 48 Hour Short Film Festival
- Theatre for Human Rights
- Drama writing training
- Staged reading
- International Advocacy: UPR, ICCPR, SDG VNR
- Youth Engagement
- Gender Equality campaign
- Human rights’ campaigns