Media and Election
Electoral Law Of The State Great Hural Of Mongolia
Article 4 Openness ND transparency of the Preparatory Work
3.This information and reports of the central and local mass media shall be correct and objective.
Article 5 Economic Guarantee of the Election Activities
8. Parties, coalitions and independent candidates shall forward to the General Election Committee the reports on spending of the election funds within one month after the completion of the election . The General Election Committee shall examine the reports and within three months after the completion of the election shall have published the results in the official gazette.
Article 6 Legal Guarantee for Ensuring Electoral Rights
8. In cases where the provisions described in Para 3, 4, 5 of article 21 of this law have been violated by the organs of mass media, the court shall impose fines up to 250.000 tug rugs
Article 21 Pre-Election Campaign
2. The pre-election campaign shall be completed 24 hours before the polling day. It shall be prohibited from this time to the end of the election to make in any form agitation and propaganda and seek public opinion in the course of 7 days before the election.
3. The Mongolian State radio and Television shall equally treat each party, coalition, and constituency in terms of free service, duration and opportunities as conducting agitation and propaganda by parties, coalitions and independents.
4. If campaigning through State Radio and Television at hours other than established by the General Election Committee , parties, coalitions and independent candidates concerned shall pay for the service. However, this payment shall not exceed 50 percent of the average advertising fee.
5. It shall be forbidden for the State Radio and Television, newspaper and journals to engage in an exclusive propaganda of one party, coalition and candidate.
6. It shall be prohibited top engage in propaganda calling to refuse participation in the election or for any action that violates the election law, and to misuse religions belief and traditions for election propaganda.
Article 30 Grantees For The Activities Of The Candidates
1.Candidates of the parties and coalitions and independent candidates shall have the
right to explain their election programs freely , express their viewpoints and publicize their policies through the press and information media. They also have the right to obtain relevant organs of the election districts, according to the appropriate order and procedure.
3.It shall be forbidden to slander, humiliate and disgrace the dignity and reputation of the candidates ,and to disclose personal secrets or open their correspondence.
Article 34 Organization of Polling
- At 7 a.m of the polling day the staff of the representatives of electors shall check
Observers nominated by the parties , coalitions and independent candidates as
and seal all the poll boxes and begin polling.
well as representatives of electors and the press and information media may attend the opening.
Article 37 Counting of Votes
1.Observers and representatives of the electors and the press and information media
may be present during the counting of votes
Article 40
3. Agitation and propaganda shall be prohibited until the completion of reporting
October 19, 1995
Article 9. Transparency of processes of preparation and conducting elections
1. The process of preparation and conducting to elections shall be transparent.
2. Press and media institutions under state authorities shall have the duty to inform the public promptly and accurately on the process of preparation and conducting elections and on results of elections.
Article 17. Promotion about elections
The government shall be responsible for informing the people and provide them with information on questions to be asked during elections.
Parties and public organisations may conduct promotion and election campaigns in forms allowed by laws, in accordance with procedures stated in legislation on elections, using their own resources.
2. Any promotional and campaign activities shall commence on the day after an resolution of the State Ikh Khural on conducting elections comes into effect and shall terminate 24 hours before the day of voting.
Article 23. Counting of votes
1. Votes shall be counted in an open and transparent manner. Representatives of citizens and media institution may be present during vote counting.
Article 6 Transparency of preparation for and the holding of the election
2. State and public press organs and mass media have obligations to inform the public without delay of preparation for and result of the election.
3. Information published by central and local press organs and local press organs and other mass media must be true and correct.
Article 7 Economic warranty of the election campaign.
7. Election expense fund has to be spent for financing advertisement of candidates, meeting with voters, organization of meeting and gathering, correspondence, mail, communication, transportation and officials and other expenses permitted by regulation issued by the General election committee
8. . . . . .General election committee shall verify the account and publish it in state central press within three months after the election is completed.
Article 27 Warranty of the activities of a candidate
- A candidate shall enjoy the rights to explain his (her) guideline in the press and through mass media, freely express his( her) standpoint make propaganda and advertisement and get necessary information and reference from corresponding organizations to the appropriate rules.
4. It is prohibited to misconstrue, bully, discredit a candidate and divulge the confidentiality of his(her) mail.
Article 28 Advertisement and propaganda before the election
The election campaign has to be stopped prior 24 hours before the polling day. From that day it is prohibited to provide the election campaign in any forms and during a week before the polling day to provide referendum and publish the result of a referendum.
Every candidate must have equal possibility and time for providing free of charge election campaign in state owned broadcasting, TV, newspapers and magazines.
In case of providing election campaign in state owned broadcasting and press out of times than established by the general election committee, must be paid the expenses.
Article 32 Organization of the polling
- At 07 o’clock on the polling day members of the election commission of the polling place including the representatives of voters shall examine and sent all ballot boxes.
Article 35 Counting of votes
1. Counting of votes must be open and transparent. At the counting of votes may be present observers, representatives of voters, of press and mass media.
The Law on Elections of Citizens Representatives’ Khurals of Aimags, the Capital City, Soums and Districts
Approved on August 27, 1996
Article 23. Promotion, advertising and meetings prior to elections
1. Parties, coalitions and nominees shall follow provisions 1, 2, 5 and 6 of Article 21 of the Law on Elections of the State Ikh Khural.
2. Free [of charge] access to local radio and television, as well as time/ duration allocated for promotion and election campaign shall be equal for all parties, coalitions and independent nominees.
3. Parties, coalitions and nominees shall pay for services if they advertise through local radio and television in excess of time allocated by the General Election Commission.
5. Promotion, campaigns and meetings with the electorate for elections of Citizens Representatives' Khurals shall terminate 24 hours before the day of elections.
Article 25. Guarantee for activities of nominees
1. Nominees from any party or coalition shall have the right to explain their parties', coalition's and their own platforms, freely express their opinion, conduct promotion and advertisement through media and obtain necessary information from their soum or district organisations in accordance with appropriate procedures.
2. It shall be prohibited to falsely accuse nominees, to defame them or disclose their private information or correspondence.