Town Hall meeting

Town Hall meeting

When, local time:
Wednesday, 27 March 2019 
14:00pm to 17:00pm

Zuunmod, Tuv province, Mongolia

Type of Event:
Infornation sharing meeting

The Town Hall meetings have been organized by The Globe International Center NGO within framework of “Promoting Human and Labor rights through GSP+” project, which is funded by EU through Democratic Reporting International. The project has been implemented in Mongolia since 2018. The project goal is to inform and empower civil society and social partners to become effective advocates and drivers of change, ensuring that EU Generalised Scheme of Preferences Plus (GSP+) beneficiary countries meet their commitments to effectively implement core international conventions.

The meeting is designated to introduce GSP+ mechanism, particularly, ways of exporting goods to EU market under the GSP+ and sharing good practice of businesses that already benefiting from GSP+. Therefore, local government, businesses and CSOs acquire essential information on benefits of GSP+ such as reducing poverty through infensifying local economic growth and promoting human and labor rights through the scheme. Project team has planned to organize the 8 Town Hall meetings in Tuv, Uvs, Bayankhongor, Darkhan-Uul, Orkhon, Sukhbaatar, Arkhangai and Ulaanbaatar.
