On the occasion of International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists
Date: 2 November 2023
Distinguished guests,
Dear media representatives and journalists,
I am honored to be with you today. This is a day for us to take a moment to reflect on and cherish the critical importance of a free press.
The free media and independent journalists are the most important assets of our democracy.
Free, independent and impartial journalism is fundamental for sustainable development, human rights protection and democratic consolidation, but remains a dangerous and too often deadly profession - and nine times out of ten, the murder of a journalist is unresolved.
We know that past and current turbulent geopolitical tensions and escalating wars are taking too many lives of brave journalists and media personnel all over the world. UNESCO counts more than 1600 deaths of journalists since 1993.
We may not experience deadly threats to the lives of journalists in Mongolia. However, we are aware of growing concerns about the safety of journalists. The safety of media workers in Mongolia is jeopardized in multiple forms including physical assaults, verbal abuse, and hate speech, and often confiscation of their equipment. Online harassment of journalists is one of the ways to silence and discourage journalists.
Today, we call on Mongolian authorities to do all in their power to assure the safety of the journalists, media crew, and reporters. For this, the legal framework including the civil and criminal code must provide very clear and effective protection for media workers to go about their duties.
I am very pleased that you all gathered here to discuss this matter to ensure that no perpetrators of the rights of journalists go unpunished. Together with all stakeholders, you are seeking the best possible solutions to improve the protection of journalists.
I quote here SG’s important message that I would like to reiterate: “Today and every day, we are grateful to the journalists and all media professionals who risk their health and lives to keep us informed and to keep the truth alive.”
Echoing him, I want to say thank you!
I thank the organizers of this event, the UNESCO Nat Com, Media Council of Mongolia and Globe International for your leadership!