“The importance of the online space for access to information” discussion was organized

Globe International Center, the National Commission of UNESCO, and the Independent Authority Against  Corruption of Mongolia jointly organized the discussion "The importance of the online space for access to information” for the International Day of Universal Access to Information. 

Recognizing the significance of access to information, the 74th UN General Assembly proclaimed 28 September as the International Day for Universal Access to Information (IDUAI) at the UN level in October 2019. The day had been proclaimed by the UNESCO General Conference in 2015, following the adoption of the 38 C/Resolution 57 declaring 28 September of every year as International Day for Universal Access to Information (IDUAI). In this regard, Globe International Center and the Mongolian National Commission of UNESCO have been celebrating the day by organizing national events since 2016.

Access to information, including through the Internet, is widely recognized as an enabler of a broad range of human rights. It is not only essential for freedom of expression but, as digitalization advances, it is also central to the realization of the rights to education, to freedom of association and assembly, to participation in social, cultural and political life, to health, to an adequate standard of living, to work and to social and economic development.

The following topics were presented during the discussion by representatives of the public authorities and CSOs. "Target 2.5 of the National Anti-Corruption Program /2023-2030/ and transparency of online information", "Implementation of the common procedure for uploading, updating and monitoring of open information in online form" and transparency of public information, "E-skills of citizens - Information literacy", “Is the right to know fulfilled for citizens? 

More than 40 participants representing the government, civil society, media and researchers will participate in the discussion.